Category: Corporate & Social Narratives

  • Creating “Mutual Value” at Oxford Saïd Business School

    Creating “Mutual Value” at Oxford Saïd Business School

    Storytelling for Purpose and Profit at Oxford Yesterday I had the honour of teaching another module for Mutual Value Labs at Oxford Saïd Business School. My session was titled “Storytelling for Purpose, Persuasion and Profit”. Mutual Value Labs helps organisations by Putting Purpose into Practice (the title of the book on the subject edited by…

  • Why Doomsday Matters (AI Narratives)

    Why Doomsday Matters (AI Narratives)

    Narratives around AI have gone mainly in one direction: Doomsday. Fear sells, even though AGI / ASI technology is impossibly far off. Why then do doomsday narratives still matter now? Watch the talk on the power of storytelling and narratives on AI scenarios here: We have to talk about how we talk about AI. Is…

  • Storytelling at Universities | Which is best?

    Storytelling at Universities | Which is best?

    The Power of Storytelling in Modern Education and Business Some great universities and business schools are starting to understand the power of storytelling, and have hired me to teach Storytelling or to help storify a program. Many institutions now pay lip-service to stories – but struggle to include more than half a day on the…

  • Lessons from the Head of Intelligence

    Lessons from the Head of Intelligence

    Candid interview in NZZ with the Head of Swiss Intelligence, Christian Dussey. A brilliant man, Ambassador Dussey kindly hosted me as a Fellow at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy and as the Centre’s first Novelist-in-Residence. Also, he’s a great storyteller from whom I learned a lot… Allow me to reminisce and reflect on the…

  • Manage change with storytelling: Get inside their head

    Manage change with storytelling: Get inside their head

    Why we should manage change with storytelling… Growing up, I’d occasionally take off my spectacles and put them next to me on the sofa, bed, or sometimes even the floor. Just for a moment. My father never tired of telling me NOT to do this. Much to my annoyance — after all, I wasn’t that…

  • My piece in Pravasi Indians mag: business hack Storytelling for Development

    My piece in Pravasi Indians mag: business hack Storytelling for Development

    Storytelling is Jugaad for Development – a Business Hack Developing countries such as India can fast-track progress by embracing Storytelling, argues business storytelling expert. The first time I visited India, aged six, I remember being fascinated by the make-shift contraptions street vendors engineered to make their lives easier. (Washing machine-mixed lassi, anyone?) My father explained…

  • Creativity in Education talk at Teacher conference

    Creativity in Education talk at Teacher conference

    Last weekend, I spoke and taught at the Pädagogische Hochschule St. Gallen (PHSG). The teacher training conference was under the heading “Creativity – Learning for Tomorrow”. Here’s a short writeup by someone else: The topic was introduced with a skit illustrating the importance of innovation in education. As an example of discovering creative talent at schools, the…

  • The artist’s approach to saving the world

    The artist’s approach to saving the world

    Hi, Story: Fiction as a tool for lateral thinking GCSP Director Ambassador Christian Dussey believes in learning from history — the obvious intersection between International Relations and story. As Churchill put it, “The farther back you can look, the farther forward you are likely to see.” So how about using fiction as a means of…

  • Earning liberty, enabling human security

    Earning liberty, enabling human security

    Does putting rights before responsibilities pose an impediment to development as well as a grass-roots danger?  Jyoti Guptara, GCSP’s novelist-in-residence, examines the disconnect between rights rhetoric at an international level and the way people perceive and interpret them, and argues that culture is king when it comes to human security. Inscribed over an arched entrance…